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  • 日期:2019-01-19
  • 编辑:陶建敏
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2,国家现代农业产业葡萄技术体系岗位科学家,鲜食葡萄栽培岗位(350万元) CARS-29zp4。经费来源:财政部,农业部。起止年月:2016.1-2020.12。负责的内容:主持。在研    



5,国家现代农业产业葡萄技术体系岗位科学家,华东华南栽培岗位(350万元) 编号:CARS-30-zp4。经费来源:财政部,农业部。起止年月:2011.1-2015.12。负责的内容:主持。已结题。  



一、   期刊论文

1.        Khalil-Ur-Rehman M, Dong Y, Faheem M, Jianmin Tao. Expression profiling of ABA and GA signaling cascades regulating bud dormancy in grape[J]. Scientia Horticulturae, 2019, 246: 44-50. (通讯作者)

2.        Hou X, Wei L, Xu Y, Jianmin Tao. Study on russet-related enzymatic activity and gene expression in ‘Shine Muscat’ grape treated with GA3 and CPPU[J]. Journal of Plant Interactions, 2018, 13(1): 195-202. (通讯作者)

3.    Wang W, Khalil-Ur-Rehman M, Feng J, Tao J*: RNA-seq based transcriptomic analysis of CPPU treated grape berries and emission of volatile compounds. Journal of Plant Physiology. 2017, 218:155-166. (通讯作者)

4.    Khalil-Ur-Rehman M, Wang W, Xu Y-S, Haider MS, Li C-X, Tao J-M*: Comparative Study on Reagents Involved in Grape Bud Break and Their Effects on Different Metabolites and Related Gene Expression during Winter. Frontiers in plant science 2017, 8:1340. (通讯作者)

5.    Xu Y, Jiang N, Zhang Y, Wang M, Ren J, Tao J*: A SNP in the promoter region of the VvmybA1 gene is responsible for differences in grape berry color between two related bud sports of grape. Plant Growth Regulation 2017, 82(3):457-465. (通讯作者)

6.    Khalil-Ur-Rehman M, Sun L, Li C-X, Faheem M, Wang W, Tao J-M*: Comparative RNA-seq based transcriptomic analysis of bud dormancy in grape. BMC Plant Biology 2017, 17(1):18. (通讯作者)

7.    Li C-X, Xu Z-G, Dong R-Q, Chang S-X, Wang L-Z, Khalil-Ur-Rehman M, Tao J-M*: An RNA-seq analysis of grape plantlets grown in vitro reveals different responses to blue, green, red LED light, and white fluorescent light. Frontiers in plant science 2017, 8:78. (通讯作者)

8.    Li CX, Chang SX, Khalil‐Ur‐Rehman M, Xu ZG, Tao JM*: Effect of irradiating the leaf abaxial surface with supplemental light‐emitting diode lights on grape photosynthesis. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 2017, 23(1):58-65. (通讯作者)

9.     Ni, W., Zhu, L., Sha, R., Tao, J*., Cai, B., & Wang, S. (2017). Comparative iTRAQ proteomic profiling of susceptible and resistant apple cultivars infected by Alternaria alternata apple pathotype. Tree Genetics & Genomes, 13(1), 23.

10.    Zhang L, Xu Y-s, Jia Y, Wang J-y, Yuan Y, Yu Y, Tao J-m*: Effect of floral cluster pruning on anthocyanin levels and anthocyanain-related gene expression in ‘Houman’grape. Horticulture research 2016, 3:16037. (通讯作者)

11.  Zheng H, Yu X, Yuan Y, Zhang Y, Zhang Z, Zhang J, Zhang M, Ji C, Liu Q, Tao J*: The VviMYB80 gene is abnormally expressed in Vitis vinifera L. cv.‘Zhong Shan Hong’and its expression in tobacco driven by the 35S promoter causes male sterility. Plant and cell physiology 2016, 57(3):540-557. (通讯作者)

12.  Xu Z-S, Yu Z-Y, Zhang M, Zhang Z, Tao J-M*: Plant regeneration via somatic embryogenesis from solid and suspension cultures of Vitis vinifera L. cv.‘Manicure Finger’. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant 2014, 50(2):249-256. (通讯作者)



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